Tuesday, October 8, 2013

My new gig

Phew! It's been a long time since I've blogged over here. April 7, I had a beautiful baby boy, and was off school for the remainder of the year.

Then, mid-summer, I interviewed for an in-district transfer, and I got the job! What's the new job? Awesome.

I have been an elementary school teacher for the past seven years (one year in second grade, four years in sixth grade, and two in fifth). Going into teaching, I figured I'd be an elementary classroom teacher for a long while, and I guess seven years is a long while, but I was itching for some change. My new job is in a middle school (the same middle school my husband teaches at...awwww...yep we now carpool and eat lunch together). I teach sixth grade, but I'm a "specials" or "elective" teacher, though my classes are required courses for sixth graders. This first semester I'm teaching Leadership Development - an awesome course for these students transitioning into middle school. The main goals of the class are:
  • applying a problem solving process to solve daily life problems
  • learning how to work appropriately with others
  • using personal strengths and weaknesses to create goals
  • understanding ethical behavior
We also touch on why it's important to have a good outlook and  attitude, organization, and gratitude.

Sounds like a sweet class, huh? In the spring I'll teach another course, Communications, which focuses on inter-personal communications, communicating with technology, and presentations.

I can say so far, that this position is a great fit for me. It's such a huge change from teaching reading, math, science, etc. and being on a team (who I miss greatly by the way), but it is so refreshing to spend my day not stressing about the core and focusing on these "soft skills." I get to see students in a whole different light than their core teachers because it's just different material.

So, if you've been wondering where I've been (sorry University of South Alabama students who visit here and just see old stuff!), I've been transitioning. Transitioning to being a mother of two. Transitioning to being a middle school elective teacher. I'm enjoying this new journey and hope to share more about it with you soon.


  1. This sounds like a fantastic position. What a great opportunity for you and your students. I know what it's like to appreciate change after motherhood/family changes! Have a wonderful school year!

  2. Change is always interesting. I struggled with doing my own thing in the lab, it is pretty hard to come up with new things daily. Do you have some guide or curriculum you can draw from?

    I bet you are enjoying getting to see Russ more, I am hoping Dianna gets a job at my school when she graduates. Maybe not in the same wing though ;)

    1. Luckily, the teacher be for me and my counterpart at the other middle school worked hard last year (and I'm helping some this year) to get solid standards/benchmarks. Right now I have every lesson for the semester laid out and I'm just working through it and writing in changes I'd make for next year.

      Russ and I are both in 6th grade and even on the same team. We are doing pretty well still being our own people, especially because I teach something very different from him.

  3. I love this post. I can not even begin to imagine how to juggle being a new middle school teacher; as well as a new mom. It is also neat that you and your husband work together. At least, you both get the same holidays and time off together. I hope your transition went fantastic and that you continue to grow even more in your new experiences. Thanks for sharing!
